2.1.1 v5.3 Publication Revision C (2024-10-11)
Breaking Changes
- None
Substantive (potentially breaking) Changes
- In PrescribeIT® Clinician Communication, updated Communication.extension:threadId comments to include Conformance Rule that value needs to be a GUID.
- In Shared Health HumanName, updated HumanName.suffix comments to include a Conformance Rule stating that Quebec nurses require the RAMQ number to be populated.
Non-Substantive Changes
- In PrescribeIT® Dispense, Prescription, Prescription Adapt, New Prescription, PMS Prescription, and Renewal Prescription profiles, updated [resourcee].dosageInstruction.timing.repeat.bounds[x] comments.
- In Examples - Provider Registy Queries, updated Practitioner Identifier Search response description by clarifying that it uses the _include parameter. The corresponding Provider Registry Query is Organization Identifier Search response that uses _revinclude parameter.
- In Prescription - Discontinue profile, updated comments to add clarity that EMR has to create identifier when its related to a non-eRx prescription.
- In PrescribeIT® Pharmacy-related Observation, updated Observation.effective[x]:effectiveDateTime comment.
- In Interaction Bundle - Organization Query and Search Parameters, updated the section to clarify the 2 different ways do to an identifier search using using the CPRID.
- In RequestToken, updated SAML Token Response Schema maxLength value to 10000.
- In Provider Registry Queries, fixed Organization Bundle Query and Practitioner Bundle Query profiles broken links regarding supported parameters and response profiles.
2.1.2 v5.3 Publication Revision B (2023-09-22)
Breaking Changes
- None
Substantive (potentially breaking) Changes
- In PrescribeIT® Dispense, Prescription, Prescription Adapt, New Prescription, PMS Prescription, and Renewal Prescription profiles, updated x_TimeUnitsOfMeasure Terminology ValueSet binding versionDate from 20210501 to 20230710 and updated extension:renderedDosageInstruction comments.
- In Interaction MessageHeader 903 - Bundle Available for Retrieval Notification profile, added source child elements (event.system and event.code) to align with profile-messageheader.
Non-Substantive Changes
- In PrescribeIT® Pharmacy-related Observation, updated Observation.effective[x]:effectiveDateTime comment.
- In Shared Health - eRx Service Location, updated Organization.address element comments.
- In all examples where SNOMED codesystem is used, changed system value from "https://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/CodeSystem/snomedctcaextension" to "http://snomed.info/sct"
- In Shared Health - eRx Service Location, updated Organization.telecom element comments.
- In Prescription - Discontinue profile, updated MedicationOrder.extension:protocol, MedicationOrder.extension:treatmentType,MedicationOrder.reasonCode, and MedicationOrder.note comments by indicating that these are not required to be supported.
- In Task e150-m - Discontinue RX Fill Request, added Conformance Rule instructing to not provide task.owner to align with implementation.
- In Extension: Medication Strength Description, updated comments to align with functional specification.
- In Extension: Task message, added Conformance Rule, Usage Note, and other comments.
- In Shared Health Duration, updated Quantity.system binding to point to x_TimeUnitsOfMeasure (20230710).
- In Task - 903 profile, marked Task.status, Task.created and Task.lastModified as mustSupported.
- In Shared Health SAML Practitioner, updated onlyOneSAML constraint with enhanced explanation that the SAML Practitioner must be listed first in the Bundle.
- In Extension: Medication Order Dosage Instruction Relationship, updated comments by removing ANDs and THENs restriction for dosage lines.
- In PMS Systems Access Control, updated reference from "EMR" to "PMS"
- In PrescribeIT® List - Allergies, updated List.subject to reference Patient profile only.
- In Extension: Medication Order Supporting Information, updated comments to clarify that it is one of each per bundle.
- In Shared Health Non-Clinician Practitioner, updated comments by removing Conformance Rule and inheriting the Shared Health HumanName comments.
- In Task e140-m - Cancel RX Fill Request, updated introduction to clarify when the Cancel can and cannot be used.
- In Extension: Medication Order End of Validity, updated Extension.value[x] comments to not allow use of secs, mins or hours as a unit value.
- In HL7 FHIR Tooling, updated file extensions from ".tgz" to ".pack"
- In Systems Access Control, updated comments by consolidating separate EMR and PMS security measures together.
2.1.3 v5.3 Publication Revision A (2023-05-01)
Breaking Changes
- None
Substantive (potentially breaking) Changes
- In Extension: Medication Order End of Validity, removed Period type support and updated comments to align with Prescription, Prescription Adapt, New Prescription, PMS Prescription, and Renewal Prescription profiles, updated MedicationOrder.dateWritten and MedicationOrder.dispenseRequest.validityPeriod comments.
- In Shared Health Operation Outcome, updated SharedIssueDetails Terminology ValueSet binding to point to "LATEST" by removing former versionDate.
- In PrescribeIT® Medication, updated PrescriptionDrugForm Terminology ValueSet binding versionDate from 20200331 to 20230223.
- In Task e150-m - Discontinue RX Fill Request, updated PrescriptionDiscontinueReason Terminology ValueSet binding versionDate from 20220726 to 20230131.
Non-Substantive Changes
- In Interaction Bundle - Practitioner Query, updated name-family:contains, name-family, and name-given parameter descriptions minimum characters from 3 to 1.
- In Group No 4 Practitioner Search - Discrete Fields, updated name:contains and name parameter descriptions minimum characters from 3 to 1.
- In Shared Health Patient, updated Patient.identifier:senderPatientIdentifiercomments.
- In Message Header - Asynchronous message rejection, added MessageHeader.response.code Usage Note: 997, 998 and 999 messages generated by Central Switch have value = 'transient-error'.
- In Shared Health - eRx Service Location, updated Organization.telecom element comments.
- In Shared Health Address, updated postalCode comments.
- In General Conformance Rules and Usage Notes, re-added Max Length rule.
- In Extension: Medication Rendered Dosage Instruction, updated comments to align with 5.2 functional spec changes.
- In Formulary Query Request, corrected jurisdiction parameter binding FormularyJurisdictions (required).
- In Interaction Bundle 305 - Send Clinician communication, corrected diagram.
- In Interaction Bundle 401 - Send Tasks Requiring PMS Retrieval from an EMR, updated the introduction to indicate a 401 can contain 150s with an e180.
- In Task e150-m - Discontinue RX Fill Request, added Conformance Rule instructing to not provide task.owner to align with implementation.
2.1.4 v5.3 Publication (2022-11-04)
Breaking Changes
- None
Substantive (potentially breaking) Changes
- In Interaction Message Header 401, updated MessageHeader.data element to add new references to Tasks e150 profile.
- Added Task e150-m - Discontinue RX Fill Request profile.
- Added Prescription - Discontinue profile.
Non-Substantive Changes
- In Interaction Bundle - Practitioner Query, updated Bundle.entry.search.mode comments for clarity.
- In Provider Registry Query Responses, updated both 1) Provider Registry Response Filtering and 2) Practitioner or Organization Service Status paragraphs for clarity.
- In Prescription, Prescription Adapt, and PMS Prescription, aligned and updated MedicationOrder.priorPrescription comments for clarity.
- In Environment Configuration Values, added UAT and Pre-Conformance environment configuration values.
- In Polling for Messages, added paragraph explaining the use of ULR-encoded HEX values.
- In Tasks section, updated Excel spreadsheet providing PrescribeIT® v5.0 Jurisdictional Rules and Task Grouping rules.
- In Group No 2 Organization Search - Discrete fields, updated address-city parameter to a minimum of 2 characters to align with implementation.
- In Clinician Communication, updated Communication.category comments.
- In Shared Health Practitioner - Provider Registry, updated Practitioner.identifier:license and Practitioner.practitionerRole.specialty comments for clarity.
- In Extension: Medication Order - Monitored Drug, updated definition and comments for clarity.
- In ContactPoint, updated value comments for clarity.
- In HTTP Request Headers, updated table for clarity.
- In PrescribeIT® Drug Quantity, updated Quantity.unit and Quantity.code for clarity.
- In Interaction Bundle 998 - Generic hub Asynchronous Reject, updated diagram for clarity.
- In Jurisdictional Business Scope Rule Set, Business Scope, Task Overview, Prescriber Access Control, Deferred Prescription Bundles, and Held Prescrpitions sections, updated various comments to reflect addition of Task e150.
- In Extension: Task Group Identifier, updated comments to reference Jurisdictional Rules and Task Grouping rules Excel spreadsheet.
- Added 401 e150 Discontinue RX example.
- In Shared Health CodeableConcept, Shared Health CodeableConcept Code, Shared Health CodeableConcept Code Required and Text Required, Shared Health CodeableConcept Code Required with Text Optional, Shared Health CodeableConcept Text, and Shared Health CodeableConcept Required Text with optional code, set CodeableConcept.coding.display as mustSupport.
- In the following Terminology ValueSets, updated the versionDate
- PrescriptionType
Current Version: 20190415
New Version: 20220615 - DetectedIssueCategory
Current Version: 20190415
New Version: 20220615 - PrescribedQuantityUnit
Current Version: 20210308
New Version: 20220331 - PrescriptionAdministrationSite
Current Version: 20190430
New Version: 20220331 - PrescriptionDoseQuantityUnit
Current Version: 20210308
New Version: 20220331 - PrescriptionDrugForm
Current Version: 20190430
New Version: 20200331 - PrescriptionIndicationForUse
Current Version: 20190430
New Version: 20220331 - SharedMessageEvents
Current Version: 20190415
New Version: 20220810 - SharedIssueDetails
Current Version: 20211004
New Version: 20220809 - PrescriptionDiscontinueReason
New Date: 20220726 - PrescriptionMedicationCoverage
Current Version: 20190430
New Version: 20220331 - PrescriptionTaskType
Current Version: 20190315
New Version: 20220913
- PrescriptionType
2.1.5 v5.2 Publication Revision B (2022-08-19)
Breaking Changes
- None
Substantive (potentially breaking) Changes
- In Interaction MessageHeader 903 - Bundle Available for Retrieval Notification profile, added source child elements (applicationId,conformanceVersion, name, sofware, and version) to align with profile-messageheader.
- Added Extension: Original Clinic Reference and made it referenceable by Interaction MessageHeader 903 - Bundle Available for Retrieval Notification.
- In Task - 903 profile, added meta.profile, updated type comments, added for child element to reference the patient resource, and updated diagram.
Non-Substantive Changes
- In Production Configuration Values, updated the comments to denote that both Production and Pre-Conformance environments have the same configuration values; however Pre-Conformance values may be subject to change.
- In Interaction Message Header 101 and Interaction Message Header 401, updated MessageHeader.data element to state that all Tasks in a bundle must be included in this resource.
- In E2 - 101 e120 Renewal RX Fill, e161 Denied, 162 RX Approved, e163 RX Approved with Changes, and e164 Under Review and 401 Held Bundle Retrieval examples, referenced all Tasks under MessageHeader.data element.
- In Extension: Referenced Business identifier, updated the comments related to the context of p141, p142, and p143.
- In Prescription, Prescription Adapt, PMS Prescription, and PrescribeIT® PMS Rx Dispense Prescription, updated dosageInstruction.timing.repeat.boundsDuration definition and corrected dateTime syntax to "yyyy-mm-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS-ZZZZZ".
- In Task e161-m - RX Renewal Response - Denied and Task e164-m - RX Renewal Response - Under Review, updated the diagrams.
- In Organization - Base, eRx Service Location, and Organization - Provider Registry, updated Organization.address Conformance Rule.
- In Business Scope, added jurisdictional business scope rule set.
- In E1 - 201 p160s Multiple RX Renewals,commented out Task.input elements that did not align with Conformance Rules.
- In EMR Systems Access Control and PMS Systems Access Control", added Developer Key attribute.
- In Message Header and all of its child profiles, updated source.name comments with an Usage Note: "Max Length = 100 characters. If greater than this limit, an error will be returned.
- In Interaction Bundle - Practitioner Query, corrected Group No 4 Practitioner Search By Discrete Fields 'role' parameter example to show that it must be a code, Group No 5 Practitioner Search by Elastic 'elastic-search-string' parameter description and example, and removed 'Provider and Location Registry Role/Specialty Descriptions' table'.
- In RequestOTP, updated description.
- In Error and Exception Handling Scenarios, removed Service Unavailable scenario.
- In Shared Health ContactPoint, updated value comments to denote the context of TPR.
- In 401 Held Bundle Retrieval example, added role French translation.
- In 903 Held Bundle Available for Retrieval Notification example, added role French translation.
- In RouteMessageToInbox section, updated "Service Response HTTP Code header and Payload" description.
- In Get Message From Inbox section, updated Response Content Type
- In Acknowledge Message section, updated Response Content Type and Required Request Headers
- In Get Message From Inbox section, updated Response Content Type and Required Request Headers
- In Clinician Communication introduction, added table of the most common scenarios with all of the On-Behalf-Of (OBO) elements and updated recipient definition.
- In PrescribeIT® Medication, updated id comments.
- In Medication Dispense Quantity Remaining, updated Extension comments.
- In Communication Reply To section, removed comments regarding FUTURE support.
- In PrescribeIT® Dispense profile, updated daysSupply comments.
- In Clinician Communication profile, updated recepient comments.
- In Shared Health Organization - Provider Registry profile, updated partOf to mark it as FUTURE USE ONLY
- Updated PrescribeIT® and Shared examples to align with Revision B changes and latest Terminology 5.0.7 codeSystem value="http://snomed.info/sct".
2.1.6 v5.2 Publication Revision A (2022-02-04)
Breaking Changes
- None
Substantive (potentially breaking) Changes
- None
Non-Substantive Changes
- In PrescribeIT® PMS Rx Dispense Prescription, removed not applicable MedicationOrder.dateWritten Conformance Rule "Conformance Rule: Must be either equal to or earlier...".
- In PrescribeIT® Pharmacy-related Observation, updated Observation.effective[x]:effectiveDateTime and Observation.value[x]:valueQuantity comments.
- In Interaction Bundle - Practitioner Query, removed erroneous statement "For the GET response, you only get one and only one resource. The resource is returned directly not wrapped in a bundle."
- In all HTTP examples, replaced ASCII "|" character with %7C HEX encoding and replaced "%3A, %2F, and %20" HEX encoding with respective ASCII characters ":, / and space"
- In Task p160-m - RX Renewal Create Request, updated all Task.input slice comments. UpdatedTask.input:PMSrequestedRx minimum cardinality from 0 to 1, and updated Task.input:instruction.value[x] comments.
- In Extension: Task Multiple Response, updated comments.
- In Production Configuration Values, updated SAML validity TTL value.
- In Shared Health Operation Outcome, made OperationOutcome.issue.details.coding.code as mustSupport in order to display the element.
- In Task p200-m - RX Dispense Notification and Task p210-m - RX Dispense Cancel Notification, updated Task.input:PMSrequestedRx comments.
- Remove General Conformance and Usage Rules sections from the PrescribeIT® and Shared implementation guide as they are covered within the Functional Vendor specifications.
- In Extension: Request Dispenser Instructions, updated comments.
- In Shared Health Bundle - Query Response, updated Bundle.link:self comments.
- In Shared Health Attachment, updated Attachment.url comments.
- In Interaction Bundle - Clear Message Queue Response, updated Scope and Usage introduction and Bundle.meta.tag:version comments.
- Update 5.2 FHIR specs to remove the concept of "notify" (e.g. Change "hold, notify and retrieve" term to "hold and retrieve") and align with Functional Vendor specifications.
- In InPolling for Messages, updated Polling for Messages comments by providing additional guidance for the 2 Options for managing the polling of the your inbox.
- In Group No 4 Bulk TPR Queries, updated Update Bulk Query section to include proper full post URL to match PR Bulk Search Organization section.
- In PrescribeIT® Clinician Communication, updated profile-communication-cc-definitions.html#Communication.payload:attachment.content[x].contentType to clarify that the charset will be UTF-8 only.
- In Interaction Bundle – Held or Non-authoritative Deferred Bundle Retrieval Response, removed Conformance Rule that was covered within the Functional Vendor specifications.
- Updated PrescribeIT® and Shared examples to align with Revision A changes.
2.1.7 v5.2 Publication (2021-11-11)
Breaking Changes
- None
Substantive (potentially breaking) Changes
- In Interaction Bundle 401 - Send Deferred or Held Tasks from an EMR, set Bundle.meta.tag:message-key maxLength value="10".
- In Interaction Message Header 401, updated MessageHeader.data element to add new references to Tasks e110, e120, e161, e162, e163, and e164 profiles and replaced reference from "PrescribeIT® Deferred Request from EMR Task" to Task e180. Added MessageHeader.source.endpoint comment to indicate in the context of Task e180-m, this element must be populated with the PrescribeIT® Switch URI.
- In Shared Services Message Header profile (which is inherited by all other Interaction Message Header profiles), updated MessageHeader.destination.endpoint comment to indicate in the context of Task e180-m, this element must be populated with the PrescribeIT® Switch URI.
- Added Interaction Bundle 903 - Bundle Available for Retrieval Notification profile.
- Added Interaction MessageHeader 903 - Bundle Available for Retrieval Notification profile.
- Added Task - 903 profile.
- Added Prescription - 903 profile.
- Added Shared Health Patient - 903 profile.
- Added Shared Health Practitioner - 903 profile.
- In Prescription, Prescription Adapt, New Prescription, PMS Prescription, and Renewal Prescription profiles, added Medication Order For Life and Medication Order End of Validityextensions; and added constraints:
- forLife-endOfValidity: IF forLifeFlag = TRUE, then endOfValidity MUST not be specified
- forLife-totalDaysSupply: IF forLifeFlag = TRUE, then totalDaysSupply MUST not be specified
- forLife-validityPeriodEnd: IF forLifeFlag = TRUE, then validityPeriod.end MUST not be specified
- forLife-numberOfRepeatsAllowed: IF forLifeFlag = TRUE, then numberOfRepeatsAllowed MUST not be specified
- p-mr1) Must have at least one of quantity and expectedSupplyDuration
- p-mr3) Must have at least one of total prescribed quantity and total days supply.
- In Interaction Message Header 999 - eRx Asynchronous Message Rejection profile, updated MessageHeader.response.identifier and MessageHeader.destination.endpoint comments for the context of PrescribeIT® Quebec Bundle Available for Retrieval Notification error handling.
- In PrescribeIT 5.1 HTTP Request Headers and Shared Health 5.1 HTTP Request Headers, updated X-SHAREDHEALTH-EXCHANGE-SENDING-ORGANIZATION-ID Conformance Rules to indicate that is mandatory for Provider Registry queries and updated X-SHAREDHEALTH-EXCHANGE-SENDING-PRACTITIONER-ID Conformance Rules by removing its requirement EMR-initiated Provider Registry queries since it is not mandatory. Updated corresponding Provider Registry Query Responses paragraph.
- In Interaction Bundle - Batch Clear Message Queue Request profile, removed Bundle.entry.request.method fixed value: DELETE; added 2 contextual comments for both "Batch Clear Message Queue Request, the HTTPVerb = DELETE" and "Cancel Retrieval of Deferred Rx Request, the HTTPVerb = PUT"; added Cancel Retrieval Reason extension; and added constraint "method-1: IF method = PUT, cancelRetrievalReason MUST be specified"
- In Interaction Bundle - Batch Clear Message Queue Response profile, added Bundle.entry.response.status statusTranslation extension to support French translation of custom error strings.
- In Group No 2 Organization Search - Discrete fields, added _lastUpdated search parameter.
- In Communication, extension:enterer "Conformance Rule: This is mandatory when the communication sender is the Pharmacy" will be enforced by THX.
- In List - Allergies, made List.text.status a fixedValue of 'additional' to reduce the effort Infoway requires to customize SDK.
Non-Substantive Changes
- Updated Deferred Prescriptions Bundle and added Held Prescriptions sections which also contain flow diagrams.
- Updated Interaction Bundle – Held or Non-authoritative Deferred Bundle Retrieval Response section introduction.
- In Interaction Bundle - Batch Clear Message Queue Request, updated the introduction by adding new table for Returning a Retrieved Deferred bundle.
- In Shared Health API Summary, added Returning a Retrieved Deferred bundle section.
- In Tasks section, updated Excel spreadsheet providing PrescribeIT® v5.0 Jurisdictional Rules and Task Grouping rules.
- In PrescribeIT® EMR, PrescribeIT® PMS, and PrescribeIT® Switch conformance capabilities, updated statements to include changes to 401, 902, 903, and 999 interactions.
- Added 401 Held Bundle Retrieval example.
- Added 903 Held Bundle Available for Retrieval Notification example.
- Added Quebec 999 PMS System indicates inability to process 903 Bundle Available for Retrieval Notification example.
- Updated Navigation Menu that was cutting of bottom list of examples by removing redundant "Examples". PrescribeIT® examples can still be found Examples and Shared Health examples can still be found Examples - Provider Registy Queries, Examples - Polling, and Examples - Notification (Rejection)
- Added Request to Return Retrieved Deferred Bundle example.
- Added Response to clear message queue request with French status translation example.
- In Shared Health Address, updated various element examples and comments.
- In Shared Health Patient, updated Patient.id comments to align with other [resource].id comments.
- In HL7 FHIR Tooling, updated FHIR Validator table to reflect new artifacts.
2.1.8 v5.0 Publication (2021-05-20)
Breaking Changes
- None
Substantive (potentially breaking) Changes
- In Prescription, Prescription Adapt, New Prescription, PMS Prescription, PMS Rx Dispense Prescription, Renewal Prescription profiles, made MedicationOrder.dateWritten element mandatory and updated MedicationOrder.dateWritten, MedicationOrder.dispenseRequest.validityPeriod.start and MedicationOrder.dispenseRequest.validityPeriod.end Conformance Rules. Also, added constraint over25dur-true: IF over25dur = TRUE, total number of detectedissue must be 25 and made MedicationOrder.extension:detectedIssue a max cardinality of 25 to enforce existing Conformance Rules.
- Added PMS Rx Dispense Prescription profile that is referenced in Task p160.
- In Task e161-m - RX Renewal Response - Denied, Task e162-m - RX Renewal Response - Approved, Task e163-m - RX Renewal Response - Approved with Changes and Task e164-m - RX Renewal Response - Under Review, added a Task Multiple Response boolean flag.
- In Task e161-m - RX Renewal Response - Denied and Task e164-m - RX Renewal Response - Under Review, added a constraint creator-not-recorder to enforce existing Conformance Rule.
- In Task e161-m - RX Renewal Response - Denied, added Extension: Task Drug Name and Extension: Task NewRx Reference.
- In Task p160-m - RX Renewal Create Request, added Task Split Prescription and Task Split Prescription Reason boolean flags; increased Task:input max from 3 to 12 in order to include 4 Task.input:PMSinformationalRx and 5 Task.input:PMSrequestedRx; and added a few constraints enforcing Split Prescription business rules.
- In Task p200-m - RX Dispense Notification and Task p210-m - RX Dispense Cancel Notification, added Task Split Prescription boolean flag, Task Split Prescription Reason, and Task.input:PMSrequestedRx. Added constraint p200-1: IF splitPrescriptionFlag = TRUE, splitPrescriptionReason must be specified.
- In Group No 2 Organization Search - Discrete fields, added Address Book parameter to allow Search by Fax.
- In Interaction Bundle 101 - Execute tasks from physician office, Interaction Bundle 201 - Execute tasks from pharmacy, and Interaction Bundle 401 - Send Deferred or Held Tasks from an EMR, updated MessageHeader.destination max cardinality to 1..1 (i.e. only sent to PrescribeIT® Switch) and to align with Interaction Bundle 101, 201, and 305.
- In Interaction Bundle 401 - Send Deferred or Held Tasks from an EMR, updated max50tasks invariant such that a Bundle cannot have more than 50 tasks in one message.
- In Interaction Bundle 902 - Jurisidictional RX Identifier Notification and Interaction Message Header 902 - Jurisidictional RX Identifier Notification, updated Bundle.entry to a max of 51 entries (1 MessageHeader + 50 MedicationOrder resources) and MessageHeader.data to a max of 50 references (50 MedicationOrder resources) in one message.
- In Interaction Bundle - Organization Query and Shared Health API Summary, updated content with PR Bulk Search Organization information.
- In Shared Health Patient, added constraint senderPatientIdentifier-branch-1: This must be an OID ending in .1 to enforce an existing Conformance Rule.
- In Shared Health Locum Practitioner, added Extension: Practitioner Locum Indicator in order to disambiguate with Shared Health Practitioner (i.e. make the two profiles mutually exclusive).
- In Shared Health SAML Practitioner, updated Practitioner.identifier:license cardinality to 1..1 to align with existing Conformance Rule.
- In PrescribeIT® Prescriber Prescription Identifier, added a constraint EMR-id-branch-2: This must be an OID ending in .2 to enforce an existing Conformance Rule.
- In Extension: Task Group Identifier, added constraint groupIdentifier-branch-3: This must be an OID ending in .3 to enforce an existing Conformance Rule.
- In PrescribeIT® Dispense, added a constraint dispenseIdentifier-branch-4: This must be an OID ending in .4 to enforce an existing Conformance Rule.
- In Clinician Communication added constraint 305-1: topic and topicGroup MUST not be populated together to align with existing Conformance Rule that Communication.extension(topic) and Communication.extension(topicGroup) must never be populated together, only one or the other extension can be populated depending on what needs to be referenced.
- Updated all Interaction Bundle profiles and examples such that Bundle.meta.tag.code = "PrescribeIT5.0" or "Shared5.0"
- Updated all Interaction MessageHeader.meta.profile cardinality to 1..1 to align with their respective one fixed value profile.
- Updated all Interaction MedicationOrder.contained cardinality to 1..1 to align with the expectation that only one prescribable medication is associated with a MedicationOrder.
- Updated A2 - 201 p200 RX Dispense Notification, A3 - 201 p210 RX Dispense Cancel Notification, E1 - 201 p160s Multiple RX Renewals, E3 - 101 e120 Renewal RX Fill, e161 RX Denied, e162 RX Approved, e163 RX Approved with Changes, and e164 RX Under Review, E3 - 101 e120 Renewal RX Fill, e162 RX Approved, and e163 RX Approved with Changes, and E4 - 101 (from MOA) e161 Denied and e164 Under Review examples with Backwards Compatibility changes.
- Updated POLL2 - Multi-message all-pharmacy-tasks and POLL3 - Multi-page all-physician-tasks examples with 50 bundles.
- Added 50 Deferred tasks bundle.
- Added 5.0.3 Terminology Gateway file with changes to the following subsets:
- actpharmacysupplytype|20210501
- detectedissuecategory|20210501
- detectedIssuemitigationaction|20210501
- issuetype|20190415
- prescriptioncancelreason|20210401
- prescriptiondosequantityunit|20210308
- prescriptionmedicinalproduct
- prescriptionrenewalrejectreason|20210501
- prescriptionrenewalreviewreason|20210501
- prescriptionsplitreason|20210501
- sharedissuedetails|20210501
- sharedspecificationversion|20210501
Non-Substantive Changes
- In HL7 FHIR Tooling, updated FHIR Validator table to reflect new artifacts.
- In PrescribeIT® Clinician Communication, updated Communication.status comments.
- In PrescribeIT® Medication, updated Medication.code.coding.display comments.
- In Extension: Medication Order Dispense First Fill Instructions, updated various comments and definitions.
- In Interaction Bundle - Organization Query, made Bundle.meta.lastUpdated and in its related entry Shared Health Organization - Provider Registry, made Organization.meta.lastUpdated supported to reflect actual Provider Registry response implementation and stated that Bundle.link:next is currently not supported by the Provider Registry.
- In PrescribeIT® Formulary Operation Output, update Parameters.parameter:product.part max cardinality from 9 to 8 to align with the max total of the child parts.
- In Deferred DownloadsRx Polling, updated comments by removing option for both identifiers to be specified.
- In PrescribeIT® Detected Issue - DUR, updated comments to clarify their usage.
- In PrescribeIT® Dispense, PrescribeIT® Prescription, PrescribeIT® New Prescription, and PrescribeIT® Renewal Prescription profiles, updated dose[x] to the correct Binding: PrescriptionDoseQuantityUnit (20190430) (extensible) to enforce the system + code pair.
- In PrescribeIT® Drug Range, updated Binding: PrescriptionDoseQuantityUnit (20190430) (extensible) to enforce the system + code pair.
- In Task p160-m - RX Renewal Create Request, clarified Task.input:daysSinceLastDispense comments.
- In Shared Health Address, updated various element examples and comments.
- In Shared Health Patient, updated birthDate element comments to reflect Deferred Query behaviour when a partial date is submitted.
- In Shared Health Locum Practitioner, removed 'registry' (PRN) since locums are not in the Provider Registry.
- In Shared Health SAML Practitioner, updated Practitioner.practitionerRole:practitionerOrg cardinality to make it mandatory to align with existing THX behaviour.
- In Shared Health Practitioner - Provider Registry, updated Practitioner.practitionerRole to allow for organization, role, and specialty in a TPR response.
- In Interaction Bundle - Organization Query and Interaction Bundle - Practitioner Query, updated Bundle.link:next comments to declare that it is not currently supported the the Provider Registry and updated telecom discrete search parameter examples.
- Split C3 - 201 p200 RX Dispense Notification and C4 - 201 p143 Cancel RX Remaining Fills Revoked examples into separate examples to align with Extension: Task Group Identifier Scenario 4) Bundle restricted to same task type only: There are cases when only tasks of the same type can be grouped together. This is true for the cancel request (e140), Dispense Notifications (p200), Cancel RX Dispense Notification (p210).
- Display the following extension urls on parent element to reflect what is already in the child element type:
- List.text.status
- OperationOutcome.issue.details.text.extension:details-translation.url
- OperationOutcome.issue.extension:userText.value[x].extension:userText-translation.url
- Communication.extension:topic.value[x].extension.url
- Practitioner.practitionerRole:practitionerSpecialty.role.coding.display.extension:role-translation.url
- Practitioner.practitionerRole:practitionerSpecialty.specialty.text.extension:specialty-translation.url
- Updated various diagrams (e.g. Task-e161, e162, e163, and e164) to align with their respective profile structure.