2.0.1 PrescribeIT® Message Specification Landing Page
This message specification for PrescribeIT® is divided into two sections: "PrescribeIT®" is the core specification and it is augmented by "Shared Health" specification. The two specifications are highly integrated.
PLEASE NOTE: v5.0 of the PrescribeIT® Specification and Guide have been superseded by v5.3. v5.3 is compatible with v5.0 and v5.2 but contains additional features implemented in support of adoption in Quebec. Navigating to specs.prescribeit.ca/R5.0/ and specs.prescribeit.ca/R5.2/ will now result in a redirection to specs.prescribeit.ca/R5.3/.
NOTE: The version (Bundle.meta.tag:version) that is sent in the message will remain PrescribeIT5.0