5.1 Shared Health API Summary
This section provides details on the APIs that have been defined for the Shared Health domain and shown in the diagram below. The full list of APIs and a description is provided for completeness. PrescribeIT® domain APIs are included on the PrescribeIT® API Summary page.
The endpoints will vary by environment (e.g. Production, Pre-conformance) and may also be context specific. Implementers should make the endpoints' URLs configurable within their systems as these may be updated in future releases. Vendors should not be storing the organization/practitioner URLs; rather they should build it at runtime using configurable prefix's per environment and the identifier itself. The real URLs will be published to Vendors upon onboarding with PrescribeIT®.

API | Initiated by | Description | Method |
RequestOTP PrescribeIT® Domain |
EMR | Request a OTP. Further information can be found here | POST |
Request Token PrescribeIT® Domain |
EMR | Request a secure token. Further information can be found here | POST |
RouteMessageToInbox Shared Health Domain |
EMR and PMS |
https://EnvironmentSpecificHost/EnvironmentSpecificPathInbox/Bundle Post a 101, 201, 305, 401, 997, 998, 999 interaction Further information can be found here |
GetMessageFromInbox Shared Health Domain |
EMR and PMS |
https://EnvironmentSpecificHost/EnvironmentSpecificPathInbox/Bundle This API is used to retrieve bundles containing 101, 201, 305, 901, 997, 998, and 999 interactions. Further information can be found here This API is also used to GET Deferred Prescriptions. This is triggered when a patient arrives in the Pharmacy with an electronic receipt for a Deferred prescription. |
Formulary Operation PrescribeIT® Domain |
https://EnvironmentSpecificHost/EnvironmentSpecificPathInbox/$Formulary This API is also used for Formulary Queries - triggered by EMR to obtain formulary information at time of prescribing. Further information can be found here |
GET | |
AcknowledgeMessage Shared Health Domain |
EMR and PMS |
https://EnvironmentSpecificHost/EnvironmentSpecificPathInbox Acknowledge receipt of Bundles containing 101, 201, 305, 901, 997, 998, and 999 using the BatchClearMessageQueue Request Deferred messages must also be acknowledged |
Attachment Upload PrescribeIT® Domain |
EMR and PMS |
https://EnvironmentSpecificHost/EnvironmentSpecificPathInbox/Binary/${AttachmentId} Supports 305 communication with attachments. Triggered by the presence of an attachment URL within the 305 message. |
Attachment Download PrescribeIT® Domain |
EMR and PMS |
https://EnvironmentSpecificHost/EnvironmentSpecificPathInbox/Binary/${AttachmentId} Supports 305 communication with attachments. Triggered by the presence of an attachment URL within the 305 message. |
Get/Search Org Shared Health Domain |
EMR and PMS | https://EnvironmentSpecificHost/EnvironmentAndContextSpecificPathRegistry/Organization
EMR or PMS will invoke this service to search or retrieve an Organization (clinic or Pharmacy) record. May be used by EMR to retrieve their own Organization record |
Get/Search Practitioner Shared Health Domain |
EMR and PMS |
https://EnvironmentSpecificHost/EnvironmentAndContextSpecificPathRegistry/Practitioner PMS will invoke this service to search or retrieve a Practitioner record. May be used by EMR to retrieve their own Practitioner record |
5.1 HTTP Request Headers
For PrescribeIT® there are HTTP headers that will be required in the Formulary, Deferred, and Provider Registry queries as well as when returning retrieved deferred bundles back to PrescribeIT®. The headers will be for a) Application Instance Identifier, b) Practitioner CPRID, and c) Organization CPRID.
These headers are required so that PrescribeIT® can determine the originator of the query. See the table below for conformance rules.
HTTP Request Header | Conformance Rules | Expected Format |
X-SHAREDHEALTH-EXCHANGE-SENDING-APP-INSTANCE-ID | Mandatory for Formulary Query (EMR), Deferred Query (PMS), and Return Retrieved Deferred Bundle request | X-SHAREDHEALTH-EXCHANGE-SENDING-APP-INSTANCE-ID: urn:oid: |
Not applicable for Deferred (PMS) or PMS-initiated Provider Registry queries Optional for Formulary queries but can be provided if Practitioner is enrolled and known |
X-SHAREDHEALTH-EXCHANGE-SENDING-PRACTITIONER-ID: http://sharedhealth.exchange/fhir/NamingSystem/registry-id-practitioner|190000074 |
Mandatory for Formulary Query (EMR), Deferred Query (PMS), Provider Registry queries, and Return Retrieved Deferred Bundle request |
X-SHAREDHEALTH-EXCHANGE-SENDING-ORGANIZATION-ID: http://sharedhealth.exchange/fhir/NamingSystem/registry-id-organization|190001234 |
5.2 RouteMessageToInbox
API Type | REST |
Verb | POST |
Request/Response Content Type | application/xml+fhir |
Required Request Headers |
X-SHX-SDF-Developer-Key: <value> NOTE: <value> for X-SHX-SDF-Developer-Key is unique for each caller location. It is a credential which is supplied along with the SDF certificate to each location during its on-boarding. Accept: application/xml+fhir |
Description | Service to route EMR/PMS transactions to central services |
Production Endpoint URL | https://api.sharedhealth.exchange/rest/v1/THP/mailbox_vs0/Bundle |
Pre-Conformance Endpoint URL | https://api.sharedhealth.exchange/rest/v1/preconf/THP/mailbox_vs1/Bundle |
Response Schema | OperationOutcome |
Response Sample |
<OperationOutcome xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir"> <id value="0b1f172e-572b-4d84-a35e-8065ef4d9a07"/> <issue> <extension url="http://sharedhealth.exchange/fhir/StructureDefinition/ext-operationoutcome-usertext"> <valueString value="Please log into PrescribeIT again. If issue persists, please call Technical Support Team and provide the Detail Code and Reference Number shown below. Detail Code ISS142 - Reference # 72efc58a-1f1a-44d9-b964-1cebd10eb04f."> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/iso21090-ST-translation"> <valueString value="Veuillez vous reconnecter à PrescripTIon. Si le problème persiste, communiquez avec le soutien technique et fournissez-lui le code de détail et le numéro de référence indiqués ci-dessous. Code de détail ISS142 - Numéro de référence 72efc58a-1f1a-44d9-b964-1cebd10eb04f."> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/iso21090-ST-language"> <valueCode value="fr-CA"/> </extension> </valueString> </extension> </valueString> </extension> <extension url="http://sharedhealth.exchange/fhir/StructureDefinition/ext-operationoutcome-referencenum"> <valueString value="72efc58a-1f1a-44d9-b964-1cebd10eb04f"/> </extension> <severity value="error"/> <code value="security"/> <details> <coding> <code value="ISS142"/> </coding> <text value="Invalid SAML claim."/> </details> </issue> </OperationOutcome> |
Response Headers | X-SHX-SDF-TraceId - unique identifier of this transaction generated by the server. In case of success, the value returned in this header also becomes the Bundle ID of the accepted message |
Service Response HTTP Code header and Payload |
5.3 Get Message From Inbox
API Type | REST |
Verb | GET |
Request Content Type | N/A |
Response Content Type | application/xml |
Required Request Headers |
X-SHX-SDF-Developer-Key: <value> NOTE: <value> for X-SHX-SDF-Developer-Key is unique for each caller location. It is a credential which is supplied along with the SDF certificate to each location during its on-boarding. Accept: application/xml+fhir |
Description | Service to get messages from inbox |
Production Endpoint URL | https://api.sharedhealth.exchange/rest/v1/THP/mailbox_vs0/Bundle |
Pre-Conformance Endpoint URL | https://api.sharedhealth.exchange/rest/v1/preconf/THP/mailbox_vs1/Bundle |
Response Headers | X-SHX-SDF-TraceId - unique identifier of this transaction generated by the server |
Service Response HTTP Code header and Payload |
Response Sample | See Multi-page poll response for physician tasks. |
5.4 Acknowledge Message
API Type | REST |
Verb | POST |
Request/Response Content Type | application/xml |
Required Request Headers |
X-SHX-SDF-Developer-Key: <value> NOTE: <value> for X-SHX-SDF-Developer-Key is unique for each caller location. It is a credential which is supplied along with the SDF certificate to each location during its on-boarding. Accept: application/xml+fhir |
Description | Service to acknowledge messages |
Production Endpoint URL | https://api.sharedhealth.exchange/rest/v1/THP/mailbox_vs0 |
Pre-Conformance Endpoint URL | https://api.sharedhealth.exchange/rest/v1/preconf/THP/mailbox_vs1 |
Response Headers | X-SHX-SDF-TraceId - unique identifier of this transaction generated by the server |
Service Response HTTP Code header and Payload |
Request Sample |
<Bundle xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir"> <id value="message-clear-queue-request"/> <meta> <profile value="http://sharedhealth.exchange/fhir/StructureDefinition/interaction-bundle-clear-queue-request/"/> </meta> <type value="batch"/> <entry> <request> <method value="DELETE"/> <url value="https://SDF.Telus.com/mailbox/v1/Bundle/54a05d42-5da2-4c8c-8e14-876441d71b70"/> </request> </entry> <entry> <request> <method value="DELETE"/> <url value="https://SDF.Telus.com/mailbox/v1/Bundle/1377f0f6-243a-4c07-964b-8a46143f3cc4"/> </request> </entry> </Bundle> |
Sample Response |
<Bundle xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir"> <id value="3079b918-8fcc-45cf-b64b-a1629337f889"/> <meta> <profile value="http://sharedhealth.exchange/fhir/StructureDefinition/interaction-bundle-clear-queue-response"/> </meta> <type value="batch-response"/> <entry> <response> <status value="202 Accepted"/> </response> </entry> <entry> <response> <status value="202 Accepted"/> </response> </entry> </Bundle> |
5.5 Return Retrieved Deferred Bundle
API Type | REST |
Verb | POST |
Request/Response Content Type | application/xml |
Required Request Headers |
X-SHX-SDF-Developer-Key: <value> NOTE: <value> for X-SHX-SDF-Developer-Key is unique for each caller location. It is a credential which is supplied along with the SDF certificate to each location during its on-boarding. Accept: application/xml+fhir |
Description | Service to return (cancel) retreived messages |
Production Endpoint URL | https://api.sharedhealth.exchange/rest/v1/THP/mailbox_vs0 |
Pre-Conformance Endpoint URL | https://api.sharedhealth.exchange/rest/v1/preconf/THP/mailbox_vs1 |
Response Headers | X-SHX-SDF-TraceId - unique identifier of this transaction generated by the server |
Service Response HTTP Code header and Payload |
Request Sample |
<Bundle xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir"> <id value="message-clear-queue-request"/> <meta> <profile value="http://sharedhealth.exchange/fhir/StructureDefinition/interaction-bundle-clear-queue-request/"/> </meta> <type value="batch"/> <entry> <request> <method value="PUT"> <extension url="http://sharedhealth.exchange/fhir/StructureDefinition/ext-bundle-cancel-retrieval-reason"> <valueCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value="http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ActReason"/> <code value="PATDEC"/> <display value="patient changed mind"/> </coding> </valueCodeableConcept> </extension> </method> <url value="https://SDF.Telus.com/mailbox/v1/Bundle/54a05d42-5da2-4c8c-8e14-876441d71b70"/> </request> </entry> </Bundle> |
Sample Response | The response below is an Error example. See Acknowledge Message sample response above for a 202 Accepted example.
<Bundle xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir"> <id value="3079b918-8fcc-45cf-b64b-a1629337f889"/> <meta> <profile value="http://sharedhealth.exchange/fhir/StructureDefinition/interaction-bundle-clear-queue-response"/> <tag> <system value="https://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/CodeSystem/sharedspecificationversion"/> <code value="Shared5.0"/> </tag> </meta> <type value="batch-response"/> <entry> <response> <status value="ISS580 We are unable to process this request (clear-message-queue). When the method of PUT is used, a 'cancel reason' must be provided. Please provide a 'cancel reason' and resubmit."> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/iso21090-ST-translation"> <valueString value="ISS580 Il est impossible de traiter cette demande d’effacer la file d’attente des messages (clear-message-queue). Il est obligatoire de fournir un motif de l’annulation lorsque l’action PUT (placez) est utilisée. Veuillez fournir un motif d’annulation et soumettre la demande à nouveau"> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/iso21090-ST-language"> <valueCode value="fr"/> </extension> </valueString> </extension> </status> </response> </entry> </Bundle> |
5.6 PR Get
API Type | REST |
Verb | GET |
Required Request Headers |
X-SHX-SDF-Developer-Key: <value> NOTE: <value> for X-SHX-SDF-Developer-Key is unique for each caller location. It is a credential which is supplied along with the SDF certificate to each location during its on-boarding. Accept: application/xml+fhir |
Response Content Type | application/xml+fhir |
Description | Service to get organization or practitioner FHIR bundle by ID |
Production Endpoint URL | https://api.sharedhealth.exchange/rest/v1/THP/TPR_vs0/Organization/${CPRID} https://api.sharedhealth.exchange/rest/v1/THP/TPR_vs0/Practitioner/${CPRID} |
Pre-Conformance Endpoint URL | https://api.sharedhealth.exchange/rest/v1/preconf/THP/TPR_vs1/Organization/${CPRID} https://api.sharedhealth.exchange/rest/v1/preconf/THP/TPR_vs1/Practitioner/${CPRID} |
Response Headers | X-SHX-SDF-TraceId - unique identifier of this transaction generated by the server |
Service Response HTTP Code header and Payload |
5.7 PR Search
API Type | REST |
Verb | GET |
Production Endpoint URL |
https://api.sharedhealth.exchange/rest/v1/THP/TPR_vs0/Organization?${OrganizationSearchParameters} |
Pre-Conformance Endpoint URL |
https://api.sharedhealth.exchange/rest/v1/preconf/THP/TPR_vs1/Organization?${OrganizationSearchParameters} |
Search Parameter details |
Required Request Headers |
X-SHX-SDF-Developer-Key: <value> NOTE: <value> for X-SHX-SDF-Developer-Key is unique for each caller location. It is a credential which is supplied along with the SDF certificate to each location during its on-boarding. Accept: application/xml+fhir |
Response Content Type | application/xml+fhir |
Description | Service to search organization or practitioner by search parameters |
Response Headers | X-SHX-SDF-TraceId - unique identifier of this transaction generated by the server |
Service Response HTTP Code header and Payload |
5.8 PR Bulk Search Organization
API Type | REST |
Verb | POST |
Production Endpoint URL | https://api.sharedhealth.exchange/rest/v1/THP/TPR_vs0/Organization/_search?_query=bulkSync |
Pre-Conformance Endpoint URL | https://api.sharedhealth.exchange/rest/v1/preconf/THP/TPR_vs1/Organization/_search?_query=bulkSync |
Search Parameter details |
As per the FHIR Search this is a POST using the standard application/x-www-form-urlencoded. This endpoint will support two use cases as described in Group No 4 Bulk TPR Queries: Periodic Sync of Matched Records Supported parameters are:
Bulk Update of unmatched Records Supported parameters are:
Required Request Headers |
X-SHX-SDF-Developer-Key: <value> NOTE: <value> for X-SHX-SDF-Developer-Key is unique for each caller location. It is a credential which is supplied along with the SDF certificate to each location during its on-boarding. Accept: application/xml+fhir Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
Example Query Request |
POST https://api.sharedhealth.exchange/rest/v1/THP/TPR_vs0/Organization/_search?_query=bulkSync Body: role=OUTPHARM&telecom-fax:exact=5555551212,905673435,4162004566 |
Response Content Type | application/xml+fhir |
Description |
Service to search organizations to support bulk registry queries. Response will be a searchset bundle using the TPR Organization query responseHTTP 200 for success HTTP 500 for any backend errors+ Operation Outcome with errors details. |
Response Headers | X-SHX-SDF-TraceId - unique identifier of this transaction generated by the server |