3.20.6 Extension: Communication Topic - Detailed Descriptions
Definitions for the ext-communication-topic Extension
1. Extension | |
Definition | Allows a communication to reference the individual Medication Order |
Control | 0..1 |
Comments | Usage Note: This is used to identify the medication order that the communication is related too. Only the Prescription business identifier is included, the entire medication order resource will not be included. This is used to associate and link communications to the proper medication order to facilitate having a complete view of communication in context of the medication order that it is referring too. Conformance Rule: (1) When creating a communication that is linked to a medication order, the medication order identifier must be in the same format and have the same value as it was sent or received in the original task's MedicationOrder.identifier(EMR-id). (2) When receiving a communication and this element is populated, the system must use this value to find the corresponding medication order record in the receiving system to associate and link that incoming communication with in order to facilitate having that complete view of the context involved. (3) When replying to a communication and this element is populated, the system must resend the data as it was received. (4) Communication.extension(topic) and Communication.extension(topicGroup) must never be populated together, only one or the other extension can be populated depending on what needs to be referenced. |
2. Extension.id | |
Definition | unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | id |
3. Extension.extension | |
Definition | An Extension |
Control | 0..0 |
Type | Extension |
4. Extension.url | |
Definition | Source of the definition for the extension code - a logical name or a URL. |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | uri |
Must Support | true |
Comments | Fixed value: http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/extension-Communication.topic |
Fixed Value | http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/extension-Communication.topic |
5. Extension.value[x] | |
Definition | Value of extension - may be a resource or one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility in the spec for list). |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | Reference |
[x] Note | See Choice of Data Types for further information about how to use [x] |
Must Support | true |
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Extension.value[x]. The slices are unordered and Closed, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators:
6. Extension.value[x]:valueReference | |
SliceName | valueReference |
Definition | Value of extension - may be a resource or one of a constrained set of the data types (see Extensibility in the spec for list). |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | Reference |
[x] Note | See Choice of Data Types for further information about how to use [x] |