Shared Health Specification and Guide Version 3.0 Revision C


This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

  •  You can download a list of CSVs for the profiles here.

  •  A zip of formatted Excel files for profiles is here.

The set of 'extra' elements that have been defined to supplement the capabilities of the base FHIR resources to meet the implementation guide requirements. These extensions are expected to have applicability across a wide variety of implementation guides.

  • Coding Original Text Allows the specification of a free-text description for a coded element that has a type of Coding rather than CodeableConcept. (This is temporary - the real solution is to have the data type changed from Coding to CodeableConcept and then to use CodeableConcept.text.)
  • Contact Point is Confidential If true, indicates that the contact point is considered to be confidential and should be disclosed only in limited circumstances
  • Entity Service Identifies a electronic communication service offered by a service location or practitioner
  • Message Header Application Id Unique identifier for the application responsible for sending a message.
  • Message Header Source Conformance Version String identifying the version of the sending software application that was most recently subjected to conformance testing
  • Issue reference number Provides the server-assigned reference number associated with an OperationOutcome issue
  • User-friendly issue text Provides the user-friendly description associated with an OperationOutcome issue
  • Patient PHN version Indicates the version number associated with a provincial health number
  • Practitioner Authentication Provides information about a single pracitioner authentication mechanism
  • Practitioner SAML Token Allows SAML token within a Practitioner
  • Referenced Business Identifier Allows a reference to identify the target prescription, dispense or task by business identifier rather than URL
  • On-Behalf-Of Organization Describes an Organization that a referenced practitioner is acting on-behalf-of. Needed because practitioners may be associated with multiple organizations and there's a need to identify the specific one of those being acted on behalf of for this action
  • Reference Practitioner Organization Allows capturing the organization who performed an action instead of or in addition to identifying the responsible practitioner

Extensions that are relevant in a specific subset of implementation guides, but which are unlikely to have general relevance. The purpose of these extensions may not be clear without first understanding the referencing implementation guide.

Constraints and extensions on the FHIR data types used throughout the implementation guide

High-level, shared constraints and extensions on FHIR resources used by the implementation guide. These profiles are not used directly in the specification but serve as a foundation for other profiles that are used within the tasks and interactions.

General constraints and extensions on FHIR resources used by the implementation guide. These profiles are referenced by Tasks and Interactions or by resources that are referenced by Tasks or Interactions

Profiles used to define Provider Registry Query communication interactions for this implementation guide. Two types of profiles are defined. The 'Bundle' profiles define the root set of content allowed to be shared. For messaging interactions, the 'MessageHeader' profiles define the messaging events and the focal ''data'' resources for each message.

Profiles used to define Polling communication interactions for this implementation guide. Two types of profiles are defined. The 'Bundle' profiles define the root set of content allowed to be shared. For messaging interactions, the 'MessageHeader' profiles define the messaging events and the focal ''data'' resources for each message.

Profiles used to define Notification (Rejection Messages) communication interactions for this implementation guide. Two types of profiles are defined. The 'Bundle' profiles define the root set of content allowed to be shared. For messaging interactions, the 'MessageHeader' profiles define the messaging events and the focal ''data'' resources for each message.

Descriptions of the types of systems that can participate in any of the Shared Health FHIR interfaces and what the expectations of each of those systems are.

  • Shared Health Point of Service This role defines the base capabilities of Electronic Medical Record Systems (EMRs), Pharmacy Management Systems (PMSs) and other Point of Service systems that participate in any of the Shared Health FHIR-based services
  • PrescribeIT® Switch This role defines the base capabilities of the PrescribeIT® Switch delivery hub that are leveraged by most or all of the Shared Health FHIR services
  • Provider Registry This role defines the capabilities of the Provider Registry. The Provider Registry serves as the source of truth for Practitioner information about prescribers as well as Organization information about clinics and pharmacies.

Examples of the different Provider Registry Query interactions supported by this specification.

Examples of the different Polling interactions supported by this specification.

Examples of the different Notification (Rejection) interactions supported by this specification.