Shared Health Specification and Guide Version 2.0 Revision F


Organization fax number Published: 2016-03-31T08:01:25+11:00 (draft)

Published by: Canada Health Infoway

Allows searching by the value of telecoms with a system of 'fax'. Matching is performed by matching only on the digits, ignoring separator characters

Code: address-line
Type: string
XPath: f:Organization/f:telecom[f:system/@value='fax']/f:value

<SearchParameter xmlns="">
  <id value="sp-organization-telecom-fax"/>
    <lastUpdated value="2016-05-30T00:48:02.872-06:00"/>
    <status value="generated"/>
    <div xmlns="">
			<h2>Organization fax number</h2>
			<p> Published: 2016-03-31T08:01:25+11:00 (draft)</p>
			<p>Published by: <b>Canada Health Infoway</b>
			<p>Allows searching by the value of telecoms with a system of 'fax'.  Matching is performed by matching only on the digits, ignoring separator characters</p>
  <name value="Organization fax number"/>
  <status value="draft"/>
  <date value="2016-03-31T08:01:25+11:00"/>
  <publisher value="Canada Health Infoway"/>
  <code value="address-line"/>
  <base value="Organization"/>
  <type value="string"/>
               value="Allows searching by the value of telecoms with a system of &#39;fax&#39;.  Matching is performed by matching only on the digits, ignoring separator characters"/>
  <xpath value="f:Organization/f:telecom[f:system/@value=&#39;fax&#39;]/f:value"/>
  <xpathUsage value="other"/>